Direction & Concept: Sandra Laronde
Choreographers: Albert David, Michael Greyeyes
Music: John Gzowski
Lighting Design: Ron Snipe
Set & Costume Design: Julia Tribe
Shimmer traces the radiance of the natural world, be it shining bright, or alive in darkness. Finding its inspiration in the fiery beauty of Canadian and Australian Indigenous dance traditions, an all-male Indigenous cast explores warrior culture and its deep connection to the forces of the natural world.
- Commissioned by the Canada Dance Festival
- Premiered at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, June 2006
- 6 dancers, 4 musicians, 3 crew
- Second day open (same day by arrangement)
- 60 minutes running time
A commission of the Canada Dance Festival in Ottawa.
"Red Sky dance is a delight to the eye."
– Toronto Star
"A landmark cultural event between indigenous peoples, Shimmer celebrates the warrior's connection to nature and marks the first time an aboriginal work has been commissioned on the main stage by the biennial Canada Dance Festival since its founding in 1987."
– Ottawa Xpress